Sapphire Products

Sapphire Windows

Sapphire Windows

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Sapphire lenses

Sapphire lenses

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Sapphire Light Guides

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Sapphire Prisms

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Sapphire Balls

Sapphire Balls

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Sapphire Rods

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Sapphire Windows are used in demanding systems due to surface hardness, thermal conductivity and chemical resistance.

HYT Sapphire Optics provide sapphire windows for optics manufacturers & sapphire windows for optics suppliers.

Our Sapphire Precision Windows are available in 1/2 and 1 diameters. The uncoated versions are designed for applications in the 150 nm - 4.5 μm range.

These windows are commonly used as viewports enable viewing inside of vacuum chambers, or chambers containing high temperature plasma. Wide Transmittance Range.

These sapphire windows are designed for use in critical optical and laser applications where image quality and minimizing birefringence effects are important.

Sapphire (Al2O3) is one of the hardest minerals and optical materials available for use in the range from UV up to 5µm. Sapphire is birefringent and if its use is for critical optical application then the crystal might have to be cut along the zero degree plane, or C-Cut. Random cut is usually cut along a plane that is 60° off-axis as the growth in this direction is the easiest to grow. Random cut is anything that is not the C-Cut angle. Sapphire can fluoresce depending upon the concentration of other minerals within the lattice, for example Iron (Fe) or Chromium (Cr). Clear Sapphire might fluoresce orange when illuminated by UV light if impurities are in the crystal.

Sapphire Products Manufacturing

Sapphire Single-crystal Growth Furnaces

Sapphire Single-crystal Growth Furnaces

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Polishing performed by four-axis polishing machines

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Ultrasonic cleaner in operation

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Coating workshop

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HYT Sapphire Optics focused on the precision manufacturing of high-quality sapphire components, and strived to create sapphire optical windows, fine holes, rods, balls, tubes and other automated, intelligent products and chemical production line.

Copyright © 2002 HYT Sapphire Optics Co,.Ltd.